IMXR Life Safety VR Content (Marine - Enclosed Area Suffocation Accident)

Marine - Enclosed Area Suffocation Accident

IMXR Industrial Safety VR Content

It aims to reduce safety accidents that result in human casualties by providing intensive and repeated education services to those vulnerable to maritime safety, provide correct information on maritime accident prevention, and maximize education immersion and publicity effects. By reproducing situations of suffocation accident that can occur when working in enclosed areas, the dangers of non-compliance with safety rules are communicated, and safety rules for accident prevention are learned and experienced.


Operation and control system

  • Checking when VR progresses and scenario progress
  • Control the scenario start and end

Support for multiple people to experience

  • Development of contents integration control app to support multi-person experience
  • Support all-in-one VR-based control

Provide multilingual subtitles

  • Support for Indonesian subtitles for foreign education support

How contents work

[1] Conduct Work

The first-person perspective of the accident person on the deck of a chemical ship, without a mask, entering the tank and preparing for work.

- Installation of warning signs
- Bring a gas meter
- Go down the stairs inside the tank

[2] Accident Experience

While removing the internal sludge from the first-person perspective of the accident person, the gas meter alarm sounded, causing a suffocation accident due to toxic gas with a fellow crew member

- Sludge removal
- Check the gas meter

[3] Accident Cause Analysis

Changed to the first-person perspective of the first officer at the tank entrance, using the UI to analyze the cause of the accident, receive information on precautions, and experience how to report an accident

- Not reporting work details   - Not wearing respiratory protection
- Check the fallen crewman inside the tank - Radio to the officer on duty
- Harmful gas concentration not measured before work

[4] Safety Situation Experience

Experience of following correct safety rules at work and Learning how to prevent accidents

- Arrangement of safety work supervisors and work reports
- Check ventilation fan operation and measure harmful gas concentration
- Wear respiratory protection

Main Function

Installation of warning signsBring a gas meter

Go down the stairsSludge removal

IMXR Life Safety VR Content (Marine - Enclosed Area Suffocation Accident) Preview

User l 

[Recommended specifications and specs of content]

(48732) 10th floor, 244, Jungang-daero, Dong-gu, Busan (Choryang-dong, Heungkuk Life Insurance Busan office building)

TEL : 1600-1663 

FAX : 051-977-0302 

 MAIL : 

Busan Headquarters : (48732) 10th floor, 244, Jungang-daero, Dong-gu, Busan (Choryang-dong, Heungkuk Life Insurance Busan office building)
Seoul IX Development Center : (04323) Room 812(Fast Five Seoul Station Branch), 366, Hangang-daero, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 

TEL : 1600-1663  |  FAX : 051-977-0302  |   MAIL :