[SAMWOOIMMERSION 24.10.11.] Samwoo Immersion to Exhibit Semiconductor Job Training VR and MR Contents at the Semiconductor Exhibition 2024

Samwoo Immersion to Exhibit Semiconductor Job Training

VR and MR Contents at the Semiconductor Exhibition 2024 

Samwoo Immersion will participate in the Semiconductor Exhibition 2024 (SEDEX 2024), held at COEX from October 23 to 25, where they will showcase their innovative VR and MR content designed for semiconductor job training. At booth C409, Samwoo Immersion plans to unveil a range of educational solutions, including a basic learning package, a package for new engineers, and a package for building hands-on training labs.

The Semiconductor Exhibition 2024 is a large-scale event featuring 320 participating companies and 830 booths. Organized by the Korea Semiconductor Industry Association (KSIA), it is one of the leading events in the semiconductor industry. Samwoo Immersion’s semiconductor job training content leverages XR technology to offer hands-on, practical training close to real-world industry settings, focusing on nurturing skilled professionals in the semiconductor field.

A representative from Samwoo Immersion commented, "Through this exhibition, we will present innovative solutions that lead the future of semiconductor job education. It will be a vital opportunity to enhance the realism of practical training and contribute to the development of semiconductor talent."

Samwoo Immersion's content is expected to bridge the technology gap in the semiconductor industry and provide practical educational tools tailored to the rapidly changing industry environment, establishing a new paradigm for semiconductor talent development.

IMXR Semiconductor job training content

In the face of changing industrial paradigms and market fluctuations, the need for next-generation customized educational environments, specifically focused on the eight core processes of semiconductor manufacturing, has become increasingly important.

The IMXR semiconductor job training content is designed to allow learners to repeatedly and systematically study the key eight processes of semiconductor equipment in a virtual space, unrestricted by time and place. This optimal educational solution eliminates the high costs associated with building training equipment for practical education and the risk of equipment malfunction due to frequent use, enabling learners to improve their skills through repeated practice.

IMXR Semiconductor 8 Major Processes Tour MR Content

Immerse yourself and upgrade yourself!
Samwoo Immersion, a company that helps customers grow

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