[SAMWOOIMMERSION 22.09.15.] Conference through Metaverse, 2022 Human Resources Development Conference

The largest human resource development conference in Korea

The 16th Human Resources Development Conference 2022,

The first metaverse platform to be held in parallel

<Picture 1> (Left) Offline conference and (Right) Online Metaverse in real time

The 16th Human Resources Development Conference (HRD Conference 2022), which will be held for two days from the 15th, was held in parallel through the 'COEX Grand Ballroom Conference Hall' and the 'Online Metaverse Space'.

Hosted by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and supervised by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea, celebrities from various fields act as lecturers and stakeholders and visitors from each field share and communicate HR trends and company best practices. There will be 32 simultaneous lectures in HRD·HRM·Corporate Best Practice·K-HRD).

<Picture 2> Poster for the 2022 Human Resources Development Conference and Participation in Metaverse Hall

In particular, during the conference, the K-HRD (public sector) track was operated through the online metaverse hall, providing a place for more people to participate, free from the restrictions of places.

This Metaverse Pavilion was prepared in the conference hall of 'Korea Polytechnic University Metaverse Campus', which is built and operated through Samwoo Immersion's own metaverse platform, BEYOND LINK™.

The Human Resource Development Conference Metaverse Hall can be accessed by anyone in the world by clicking the image below or through the Human Resource Development Conference page ( https://www.hrd4u.or.kr ). 

<Photo> Entering the Metaverse Hall of the 2022 Human Resources Development Conference

In addition, during the event period, Samwoo Immersion Co., Ltd., together with Korea Polytechnic University, set up a booth in the 'New Technology Hall' area right in front of the conference hall, and developed IMXR® (integrated XR solution for education and training) for visitors. and Metaverse platform, and prepared a place to experience it firsthand.

 <Photo> (Left) President of Korea Polytechnic University and (Right) Director of Ministry of Employment and Labor visit Samwoo Immersion booth and experience IMXR contents and metaverse platform BEYOND LINK™

 Samwoo Immersion, an XR integrated solution and metaverse platform company, opened SWXR® CAMPUS, a center for job training and talent cultivation in marine, medical, and aviation, based on XR solution development technology, early the following year, and established the metaverse platform Beyond Link (BEYOND). LINK™) is being built/operated together. 

2022 Human Resources Development Conference
Metaverse Pavilion Preview Video

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FAX : 051-977-0302 

 MAIL : info@samwooim.com 

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TEL : 1600-1663  ๏ฝœ  FAX : 051-977-0302  ๏ฝœ   MAIL : info@samwooim.com