[SWXR Campus 24.12.12.] Samwoo Immersion Hosts 「Smart Safety VR MR XR Seminar」 at Korea East-West Power's Donghae Thermal Power Plant

Samwoo Immersion Hosts 「Smart Safety VR MR XR Seminar」 at Korea East-West Power's Donghae Thermal Power Plant

< Smart Safety VR MR XR Seminar for Safety and Health Activities and Offshore Construction Safety Measures
in Response to the Serious Accidents Punishment Act >

On the 12th, Samwoo Immersion successfully hosted the 'Smart Safety VR·MR·XR Seminar for Safety and Health Activities and Offshore Construction Safety Measures in Response to the Serious Accidents Punishment Act' at Korea East-West Power’s Donghae Thermal Power Plant. This seminar aimed to highlight the importance of enhanced safety and health management and education under the Serious Accidents Punishment Act and to propose effective solutions using XR technology.

Introducing a New Paradigm for Realistic Safety Education Through Cutting-Edge Technology

During the seminar, Samwoo Immersion showcased its latest safety and health solutions powered by VR (Virtual Reality), MR (Mixed Reality), and XR (Extended Reality) technologies. Attendees were able to directly experience these innovative tools, gaining insight into the tangible benefits and practical applications of XR technology in safety training.

In particular, the seminar focused on safety measures in high-risk work environments and compliance with the Serious Accidents Punishment Act. Attendees participated in simulation-based training using XR technology, which enabled them to experience realistic environments for hands-on safety education. This immersive training demonstrated how such approaches can effectively prevent accidents before they occur.

The event reinforced Samwoo Immersion's position as a pioneering technology company in the safety and health sector. Moving forward, Samwoo Immersion plans to provide customized safety training content and solutions for various industries using XR technology, paving the way for industrial sites free from accidents.

Establishing Leadership in Safety Education Powered by XR Technology

Following the implementation of the Serious Accidents Punishment Act, corporate safety and health activities have become not only a legal obligation but also an essential aspect of preventing accidents and enhancing workplace safety. Samwoo Immersion aims to contribute to raising safety awareness and accident prevention by offering intuitive and immersive safety education through its XR solutions.

Immerse yourself and upgrade yourself!
Samwoo Immersion, a company that helps customers grow

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 MAIL : info@samwooim.com 

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