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[22.09.20.] Dean of Department of Game Engineering at Tongmyong University visits Samwoo Immersion

Dean of Department of Game

Engineering at Tongmyong University

visits Samwoo Immersion Co., Ltd.

22.09.20. (Tue) The dean of the Department of Game Engineering at Tongmyong University

and a representative student visited Samwoo Immersion.

It was decided to hold an exhibition of graduation works for those who are expected to graduate from the 4th grade

in the Department of Game Engineering at the Beyond-Link exhibition hall, a metaverse platform of Samwoo Immersion.

SWXR SCHOOL, Samwoo Immersion’s XR smart convergence developer training center,

As a developer nurturing center that aims to nurture outstanding talents in cooperation with local universities

and related institutions, We plan to actively support the training of game developers.

Introduction of Samwoo Immersion's metaverse platform, Beyond-Link and guidance of support progress

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