(Completed) Experience knowledge base Field experiential virtual training system Development

Experience knowledge-based virtual training system 

Development of industrial safety virtual training system to respond to complex hazardous situations in industrial sites

"Development of multi-user training support technology based on industrial safety virtual reality"

Project Name : Experience knowledge base Field experiential virtual training system Development

Task Name : Development of industrial safety virtual training system to respond to complex hazardous situations in industrial sites

Task period : 2019.04.01~2021.12.31

Government Department : Korea Evaluation Institute Of Industrial Technology

Assignment number : 20004356

Organized by : AIITONE Co., Ltd.

Multi-user interaction technology development

  • Development and advancement of multi-user posture recognition and training support technology based on industrial safety virtual reality
  • Design and development of multi-user collision avoidance and danger alarm technology

Development of virtual training experience contents for shipbuilding manufacturing industry

  • Four types of virtual training contents for shipbuilding manufacturing based on single user training
  • Development of one type of complex multi-use virtual training content

Virtual training contents for shipbuilding manufacturing based on single user training (work at high altitude)

Virtual training contents for shipbuilding manufacturing based on single-user training (sealing work)

Virtual training contents for shipbuilding manufacturing based on single user training (painting work)

Development of one type of complex multi-use virtual training content

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TEL : 1600-1663 

FAX : 051-977-0302 

 MAIL : info@samwooim.com 

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