XR Medical

Job Teaining Center

  • The XR Medical Job Training Center aims to nurture excellent nurses through various nurse job training contents for nursing trainees.

  • With Samwoo Immersion's XR (Extended Reality) education solution construction technology and the education know-how of the nation's best professional nurse training institute, we are creating an XR-based future education environment.

  • In a virtual environment built on the basis of an actual intensive care unit, systematic and repetitive job training is possible without space or environmental limitations.

  • The XR Medical Job Training Center will nurture excellent nurses through customized curriculum development and training.

(48732) 10th floor, 244, Jungang-daero, Dong-gu, Busan (Choryang-dong, Heungkuk Life Insurance Busan office building)

TEL : 1600-1663 

FAX : 051-977-0302 

 MAIL : info@samwooim.com 

Busan Headquarters : (48732) 10th floor, 244, Jungang-daero, Dong-gu, Busan (Choryang-dong, Heungkuk Life Insurance Busan office building)
Seoul IX Development Center : (04323) Room 812(Fast Five Seoul Station Branch), 366, Hangang-daero, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 

TEL : 1600-1663  |  FAX : 051-977-0302  |   MAIL : info@samwooim.com