[22.10.13.] Korea Coast Guard Academy - Establishment of Digital-based Realistic XR Lab (IMXR® Training Room) of Samwoo Immersion Co., Ltd.
SWXR CAMPUS Youth Experience Program
[22.10.13.] Korea Coast Guard Academy - Establishment of Digital-based Realistic XR Lab (IMXR® Training Room) of Samwoo Immersion Co., Ltd.
Busan Headquarters : (48732) 10th floor, 244, Jungang-daero, Dong-gu, Busan (Choryang-dong, Heungkuk Life Insurance Busan office building)
Seoul IX Development Center : (04323) Room 812(Fast Five Seoul Station Branch), 366, Hangang-daero, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
TEL : 1600-1663 | FAX : 051-977-0302 | MAIL : info@samwooim.com
Samwoo Immersion Co., Ltd. has built
a digital-based realistic XR lab
at the Korea Coast Guard Academy
located in Yeosu
22.10.13. Samwoo Immersion Co., Ltd. has built a digital-based realistic XR lab (IMXR® Training Room)
at the Marine Disaster Response Training Center of the Korea Coast Guard Academy located in Yeosu.
At the Marine Disaster Response Training Center of the Korea Coast Guard Academy, an effective virtual rescue training
and experience and a public maritime safety experience campaign will be held through realistic XR contents
from Samwoo Immersion Co., Ltd.