[Financial News] Busan Technopark held the '2022 Busan National Innovation Cluster Project Final Performance Report' on the 20th at the Westin Josun Hotel in Busan, attended by about 60 people from Busan City, Busan National Innovation Cluster Project R&D, non-R&D, and open lab business officials. announced on the 22nd.
Source : Financial News(http://www.fnnews.com)
The National Innovation Cluster Project, in accordance with the Special Act on Balanced National Development, is a project to attract and nurture new growth bases by nurturing new industries by linking innovative cities and industrial complexes and facilitating investment. Progress is being made by the propulsion team.

▲At the ‘2022 Busan National Innovation Cluster Project Final Performance Report’ held on December 20 at the Westin Josun Hotel
in Busan, key participants including Kim Yeong-bu, director of policy planning at Busan Technopark
(third from the right in the front row), are taking a commemorative photo. / Photo = Busan Techno Park
Following this, at the final performance report session, excellent case presentations were made by those in charge of each sector, such as R&D, non-R&D, and linkage with public institutions for the Busan National Innovation Cluster Project.
Starting with the announcement of Samwoo Immersion Co., Ltd., which developed immersive AR and VR contents for remote ship maintenance and safety education, the Korea Marine Equipment Research Institute advanced an open cloud platform for smart marine convergence services, and the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology advanced Support for open labs in the marine industry, Dongeui University Industry-Academy Cooperation Foundation announced global R&D cooperation research group for export of IMO environmental regulation response system, and Busan Technopark announced the establishment of a national innovation cluster 2nd stage fostering plan.
Reporter Dong-gyun Noh defrost@fnnews.com
Source : Financial News(http://www.fnnews.com)
Source : Financial News(http://www.fnnews.com)
The National Innovation Cluster Project, in accordance with the Special Act on Balanced National Development, is a project to attract and nurture new growth bases by nurturing new industries by linking innovative cities and industrial complexes and facilitating investment. Progress is being made by the propulsion team.
▲At the ‘2022 Busan National Innovation Cluster Project Final Performance Report’ held on December 20 at the Westin Josun Hotel
in Busan, key participants including Kim Yeong-bu, director of policy planning at Busan Technopark
(third from the right in the front row), are taking a commemorative photo. / Photo = Busan Techno Park
Following this, at the final performance report session, excellent case presentations were made by those in charge of each sector, such as R&D, non-R&D, and linkage with public institutions for the Busan National Innovation Cluster Project.
Starting with the announcement of Samwoo Immersion Co., Ltd., which developed immersive AR and VR contents for remote ship maintenance and safety education, the Korea Marine Equipment Research Institute advanced an open cloud platform for smart marine convergence services, and the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology advanced Support for open labs in the marine industry, Dongeui University Industry-Academy Cooperation Foundation announced global R&D cooperation research group for export of IMO environmental regulation response system, and Busan Technopark announced the establishment of a national innovation cluster 2nd stage fostering plan.
Reporter Dong-gyun Noh defrost@fnnews.com
Source : Financial News(http://www.fnnews.com)