Equipped with SAMWOOIMMERSION's XR technology (VR function, hand tracking, etc.) 'Surion Visual Software'
KAI Metaverse training equipment "KUH-1 VR pilot training device" to be introduced at the 2022 Metaverse Korea KAI booth

Surion (KUH-1) VR pilot training equipment / Photo = Reporter Choi Min-kyung
When I sat in the cockpit of Surion (KUH-1) wearing #VR (virtual reality) goggles, the wide blue sky above and the rice fields of Sacheon, Gyeongnam unfolded below. When I turned the control stick to the left, the chair tilted to the left along with the world unfolding in front of me. When I pulled the control stick toward my body, my body leaned back and my view filled the sky. When he turned his head back, he could see the situation in the rear cabin.
The Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) booth of the 'Korea Electronics Show (KES 2022) Metaverse Korea' held at COEX in Seoul on the 4th was crowded with visitors to experience the metaverse training. Not only military officials, but also employees of the Korean Intellectual Property Office, college students, high school students, etc. people who wanted to experience the metaverse training were waiting in line.
Korea Electronics Exhibition is Korea's best electronic IT convergence product exhibition that showcases advanced IT (Information and Communication Technology)-based technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and metaverse. KAI participated in the 2nd Metaverse Korea, which was held simultaneously with the Korea Electronics Show, and exhibited a future-oriented training system such as VR pilot training equipment and educational contents. It was the only defense company to set up a booth.
In particular, in this exhibition, the VR pilot training equipment for the Surion (KUH-1) and KT-1 basic trainers equipped with a motion platform and a steering reaction force device were introduced for the first time. It is a 'new' equipment that has just been developed at the end of last month. The 6-axis motion platform realistically realizes the up, down, forward, left and right physical movements of the aircraft. The control reaction force device enhances immersion by expressing the flight resistance and recoil felt by the actual pilot during flight.
To put it simply, in the past, only visual experiences were possible with VR goggles, but now the chair moves and gives the feeling of being on a real airplane. The motion sickness was severe when only VR goggles were put on while the body was stationary, but the motion sickness disappeared when the sense of balance between the sight and the body coincided.

A reporter sitting on a motion chair in the rear room of Surion VR pilot training equipment and experiencing flight / Photo = Reporter Choi Min-kyung
특히 수리온 VR조종훈련장비는 조종석과 후방 객실의 동작을 연동시켜 별도의 모션 체어에 착석한 참관객도 훈련장비 조종에 따른 객실 움직임 체험이 가능하다. 조종사가 조종간을 왼쪽으로 기울이면 객실 모션 체어도 왼쪽으로 기울어진다. VR 화면도 실제 객실에 앉은 것처럼 구현해놨다. 후방 객실 모션 체어에 앉았을 때 몸이 기울어지는 걸 더 생생하게 느낄 수 있었다.
후방 객실까지 움직임이 연동되면 조종석 뒤에 탑승한 승무원이 실제 비행하는 것과 같은 환경에서 사격 훈련을 하는 것도 가능해진다. 고철규 KAI 수석 조종사는 "요즘엔 소음 때문에 헬기를 띄우는 것도 어렵고 사격 훈련하는 것도 어려운데 모션플랫폼이 적용된 VR시뮬레이터가 있으면 비슷한 환경에서 소규모 부대 훈련을 진행할 수 있다"며 "하드웨어적으로 소총과 포탄 등을 장착해 훈련하면 비용도 대폭 절감할 수 있다"고 설명했다.
모션플랫폼이 개발됐다고 움직임이 없는 기존 시뮬레이터가 더 이상 필요없는 건 아니다. 기존 수리온 시뮬레이터는 움직임이 없는 대신 넓은 디스플레이 화면에 계기판, 시동 절차 등이 더 정밀하게 구현됐다. 고 수석은 "기존 시뮬레이터는 시동 버튼 하나하나까지 실제 항공기와 동일하게 표현돼 정밀하고 상세한 비행을 할 수 있고 비행 훈련 시간으로 집계된다"며 "반면, 모션플랫폼은 일부 불필요한 부분은 생략하고 야전에서 부족한 부분을 숙달하기 위해 개발됐다"고 설명했다.

기자가 수리온 VR조종훈련장비 체험하는 모습/사진=최민경 기자
When mass production of motion platform VR pilot training equipment begins in earnest, it is expected to have high price competitiveness at less than one-tenth of the price of existing simulators. Unlike the existing simulator, which reminds of the space occupied by a real helicopter, the motion platform does not take up much space, so it is easy to move and assemble.
When the motion platform was completed, love calls poured in from the military as well. It is said that they even sent a proposal to participate in the rapid trial acquisition project of the newly developed VR pilot training equipment. The Rapid Trial Acquisition Project is a weapon system acquisition system created by the Defense Acquisition Program Administration to quickly introduce cutting-edge defense products incorporating the 4th industrial revolution technology from 2020.
Han Chang-heon, head of the Future Business Division (Vice President) said, "Even abroad, we make a decision to import airplanes after riding a simulator, and we receive requests to make training equipment for models not developed by KAI." "It's a very promising market," he said.
KAI also has plans to enter the game market by using training equipment technology. Director Han said, "The motion platform that was released this time was also designed by targeting the game market from design.

Surion (KUH-1) VR pilot training device applied with 6-axis motion platform control reaction force device
Copyright holder © 'Real-time news where money is visible' Money Today, reporter Choi Min-kyung 2022.10.05 05:25
Surion (KUH-1) VR pilot training equipment / Photo = Reporter Choi Min-kyung
When I sat in the cockpit of Surion (KUH-1) wearing #VR (virtual reality) goggles, the wide blue sky above and the rice fields of Sacheon, Gyeongnam unfolded below. When I turned the control stick to the left, the chair tilted to the left along with the world unfolding in front of me. When I pulled the control stick toward my body, my body leaned back and my view filled the sky. When he turned his head back, he could see the situation in the rear cabin.
The Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) booth of the 'Korea Electronics Show (KES 2022) Metaverse Korea' held at COEX in Seoul on the 4th was crowded with visitors to experience the metaverse training. Not only military officials, but also employees of the Korean Intellectual Property Office, college students, high school students, etc. people who wanted to experience the metaverse training were waiting in line.
Korea Electronics Exhibition is Korea's best electronic IT convergence product exhibition that showcases advanced IT (Information and Communication Technology)-based technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and metaverse. KAI participated in the 2nd Metaverse Korea, which was held simultaneously with the Korea Electronics Show, and exhibited a future-oriented training system such as VR pilot training equipment and educational contents. It was the only defense company to set up a booth.
In particular, in this exhibition, the VR pilot training equipment for the Surion (KUH-1) and KT-1 basic trainers equipped with a motion platform and a steering reaction force device were introduced for the first time. It is a 'new' equipment that has just been developed at the end of last month. The 6-axis motion platform realistically realizes the up, down, forward, left and right physical movements of the aircraft. The control reaction force device enhances immersion by expressing the flight resistance and recoil felt by the actual pilot during flight.
To put it simply, in the past, only visual experiences were possible with VR goggles, but now the chair moves and gives the feeling of being on a real airplane. The motion sickness was severe when only VR goggles were put on while the body was stationary, but the motion sickness disappeared when the sense of balance between the sight and the body coincided.
A reporter sitting on a motion chair in the rear room of Surion VR pilot training equipment and experiencing flight / Photo = Reporter Choi Min-kyung
특히 수리온 VR조종훈련장비는 조종석과 후방 객실의 동작을 연동시켜 별도의 모션 체어에 착석한 참관객도 훈련장비 조종에 따른 객실 움직임 체험이 가능하다. 조종사가 조종간을 왼쪽으로 기울이면 객실 모션 체어도 왼쪽으로 기울어진다. VR 화면도 실제 객실에 앉은 것처럼 구현해놨다. 후방 객실 모션 체어에 앉았을 때 몸이 기울어지는 걸 더 생생하게 느낄 수 있었다.
후방 객실까지 움직임이 연동되면 조종석 뒤에 탑승한 승무원이 실제 비행하는 것과 같은 환경에서 사격 훈련을 하는 것도 가능해진다. 고철규 KAI 수석 조종사는 "요즘엔 소음 때문에 헬기를 띄우는 것도 어렵고 사격 훈련하는 것도 어려운데 모션플랫폼이 적용된 VR시뮬레이터가 있으면 비슷한 환경에서 소규모 부대 훈련을 진행할 수 있다"며 "하드웨어적으로 소총과 포탄 등을 장착해 훈련하면 비용도 대폭 절감할 수 있다"고 설명했다.
모션플랫폼이 개발됐다고 움직임이 없는 기존 시뮬레이터가 더 이상 필요없는 건 아니다. 기존 수리온 시뮬레이터는 움직임이 없는 대신 넓은 디스플레이 화면에 계기판, 시동 절차 등이 더 정밀하게 구현됐다. 고 수석은 "기존 시뮬레이터는 시동 버튼 하나하나까지 실제 항공기와 동일하게 표현돼 정밀하고 상세한 비행을 할 수 있고 비행 훈련 시간으로 집계된다"며 "반면, 모션플랫폼은 일부 불필요한 부분은 생략하고 야전에서 부족한 부분을 숙달하기 위해 개발됐다"고 설명했다.
기자가 수리온 VR조종훈련장비 체험하는 모습/사진=최민경 기자
When mass production of motion platform VR pilot training equipment begins in earnest, it is expected to have high price competitiveness at less than one-tenth of the price of existing simulators. Unlike the existing simulator, which reminds of the space occupied by a real helicopter, the motion platform does not take up much space, so it is easy to move and assemble.
When the motion platform was completed, love calls poured in from the military as well. It is said that they even sent a proposal to participate in the rapid trial acquisition project of the newly developed VR pilot training equipment. The Rapid Trial Acquisition Project is a weapon system acquisition system created by the Defense Acquisition Program Administration to quickly introduce cutting-edge defense products incorporating the 4th industrial revolution technology from 2020.
Han Chang-heon, head of the Future Business Division (Vice President) said, "Even abroad, we make a decision to import airplanes after riding a simulator, and we receive requests to make training equipment for models not developed by KAI." "It's a very promising market," he said.
KAI also has plans to enter the game market by using training equipment technology. Director Han said, "The motion platform that was released this time was also designed by targeting the game market from design.
Surion (KUH-1) VR pilot training device applied with 6-axis motion platform control reaction force device
Copyright holder © 'Real-time news where money is visible' Money Today, reporter Choi Min-kyung 2022.10.05 05:25