[Kookje News 23.06.08.] With VR, actually… 12 port safety experiences including crashes and electric shocks
SWXR CAMPUS Youth Experience Program
[Kookje News 23.06.08.] With VR, actually… 12 port safety experiences including crashes and electric shocks
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Source : Kookje News(http://kookje.co.kr)
- Recognition of training hours doubled for completed workers
In a situation where the importance of port safety was highlighted with the implementation of the Act on the Punishment of Severe Accidents and the Special Act on Port Safety last year, the Port Safety Experience Center was opened where port workers can directly experience and receive safety education through virtual reality (VR).
The Korea Port Training Institute announced that it held an opening ceremony for the Harbor Safety Experience Center in Yongdang-dong, Nam-gu, Busan on the 8th.
As for the experience center, a virtual reality (VR) safety experience hall and an actual safety experience hall are set up on one floor, and a CPR training room is installed separately. The Virtual Reality (VR) Safety Experience Hall discovers harmful risk factors that exist on the site based on 5 cases of port accidents in container terminals and general piers through virtual reality (VR) 3D images, and realizes the accident process and preventive measures realistically. It is a facility that can be experienced.
Reporter Cho Min-hee core@kookje.co.kr
Source : Kookje News(http://kookje.co.kr)
Increase educational
effect & induce immersion
control system
training mode