[NBN Media 24.04.04] BPA Introduces VR Experience Education for Preventing Forklift Accidents within the Port

Source  : NBN  Media (https://www.nbntv.kr)

Introducing VR Experience Education for Preventing Forklift Accidents within the Port, Addressing BPA SNS 기사보내기

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부산항만공사(BPA)는 항만 내 지게차 관련 사고 예방을 위한 VR 안전체험교육을 도입했다고  4일 밝혔다.

The Busan Port Authority (BPA) announced on the 4th that they have introduced VR safety experience education for the prevention of forklift-related accidents within the port. 

Source: NBN Media (https://www.nbntv.kr)

The Busan Port Authority (BPA) announced on the 4th that they have introduced VR safety experience education for the prevention of forklift-related accidents within the port.

Forklifts within the port are primarily used for handling operations such as containers, so accidents involving them can pose a significant risk of casualties.

In the past five years alone, an average of 35 people have died and around 1,000 have been injured annually due to forklift accidents in various industrial sites across the country, highlighting the urgent need for enhanced safety management.

The VR safety experience education program introduced by the BPA allows forklift drivers to virtually experience accidents caused by failure to recognize pedestrians due to blind spots, and learn safety rules such as signalman placement and rear-view camera installation.

By indirectly experiencing accidents and learning preventive measures in virtual reality, workers can raise awareness about safety and easily understand safety rules. This is expected to have a much greater accident prevention effect compared to the theory-centric explanations of traditional classroom-style education.

The forklift accident safety experience education using VR will be conducted by the Korea Maritime and Ocean University (Busan Maritime Academy). The academy plans to conduct six VR safety experience education courses, including forklift safety accidents added this time, in the Harbor Safety Experience Hall. These courses cover yard tractor collision accidents, container crushing accidents, vertical ladder fall accidents, fall accidents within cargo holds, and coil dropping accidents.

Kang Jun-seok, President of BPA, expressed hopes that VR safety experience education would help establish a voluntary culture of compliance with safety rules among workers and contribute to achieving a port in Busan without accidents. He also stated, "We will further expand the discovery and support of education for accident prevention within the port in the future.

김지혜 wisdom@busaneconomy.com

 Source  : NBN  Media (https://www.nbntv.kr)

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