Daehee Kim, CEO of Korea Maritime University, " Development of practical contents tailored to crew members who
won orders for about 100 Korean LNG carriers "

Daehee Kim, CEO of Samwoo Immersion (right), is instructing employees who receive practical training on board through a virtual reality (VR) headset. By Kim Tae-hyun |
A navigator from Korea Maritime University started to develop a virtual reality (VR) education program for liquefied natural gas (LNG) ships using his experience.
Samwoo Immersion (CEO Daehee Kim, 47), a professional solution developer based in Haeundae, Busan, announced on the 29th that it will develop VR contents related to job training for LNG ships using VR technology and professional simulators.
Samwoo Immersion recently received a growth-sharing investment (500 million won) from the Small and Medium Business Corporation for the development of educational VR content, and then puts a total of 2.5 billion won in development with the company's 2 billion won. The development is expected to be completed in July next year.
Samwoo Immersion plans to develop LNG ship bunkering education contents first. This is because Korean shipyards have won orders for LNG ships, so it is urgent to launch an education program. The fact that education is changing to a video education method after the COVID-19 crisis is also an opportunity.
The number of LNG ships ordered by Korea this year is more than 100. The total amount is 23.6 trillion won. Qatar Petroleum, a state-owned oil refinery in Qatar, has signed shipbuilding contracts with top three domestic shipbuilders, including Hyundai Heavy Industries, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, and Samsung Heavy Industries, by 2027. The company expects that a large number of crew members will be required for the ordered LNG ship, and the company expects that they will receive practical training on board through the LNG ship VR content developed by Samwoo Immersion.
CEO Kim Dae-hee said, “This VR content and professional simulator for LNG ships are being developed at the world’s first and highest level. “The global VR market is growing at an average annual rate of 35.6%, so expectations for the VR-related market are high,” he said.
After graduating from the Department of Maritime Transportation Engineering at Ocean University, CEO Kim established the company in 2011 after sailing for 4 years and 6 months as a navigator. In the era of the 4th industrial revolution, when combined with augmented reality (AR) and VR in the fields of ships, ports, and navigation, it is believed that it will have a great effect on job training, and it succeeded in developing a training solution by applying what she felt from her experience on board.
Busan = Correspondent Kim Tae-hyun hyun@hankyung.com
ⓒ Hankyung.com, unauthorized reprinting and redistribution prohibited
Daehee Kim, CEO of Korea Maritime University, " Development of practical contents tailored to crew members who won orders for about 100 Korean LNG carriers "
A navigator from Korea Maritime University started to develop a virtual reality (VR) education program for liquefied natural gas (LNG) ships using his experience.
Samwoo Immersion (CEO Daehee Kim, 47), a professional solution developer based in Haeundae, Busan, announced on the 29th that it will develop VR contents related to job training for LNG ships using VR technology and professional simulators.
Samwoo Immersion recently received a growth-sharing investment (500 million won) from the Small and Medium Business Corporation for the development of educational VR content, and then puts a total of 2.5 billion won in development with the company's 2 billion won. The development is expected to be completed in July next year.
Samwoo Immersion plans to develop LNG ship bunkering education contents first. This is because Korean shipyards have won orders for LNG ships, so it is urgent to launch an education program. The fact that education is changing to a video education method after the COVID-19 crisis is also an opportunity.
The number of LNG ships ordered by Korea this year is more than 100. The total amount is 23.6 trillion won. Qatar Petroleum, a state-owned oil refinery in Qatar, has signed shipbuilding contracts with top three domestic shipbuilders, including Hyundai Heavy Industries, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering, and Samsung Heavy Industries, by 2027. The company expects that a large number of crew members will be required for the ordered LNG ship, and the company expects that they will receive practical training on board through the LNG ship VR content developed by Samwoo Immersion.
CEO Kim Dae-hee said, “This VR content and professional simulator for LNG ships are being developed at the world’s first and highest level. “The global VR market is growing at an average annual rate of 35.6%, so expectations for the VR-related market are high,” he said.
After graduating from the Department of Maritime Transportation Engineering at Ocean University, CEO Kim established the company in 2011 after sailing for 4 years and 6 months as a navigator. In the era of the 4th industrial revolution, when combined with augmented reality (AR) and VR in the fields of ships, ports, and navigation, it is believed that it will have a great effect on job training, and it succeeded in developing a training solution by applying what she felt from her experience on board.
Busan = Correspondent Kim Tae-hyun hyun@hankyung.com
ⓒ Hankyung.com, unauthorized reprinting and redistribution prohibited