[Busan Ilbo 22.03.23.] Pukyong National University BK21 Education Research Group, Digital Twin Metaverse R&D MOU with Samwoo Immersion

Pusan National University and Pukyong National University BK21 Education Research Group signed a business agreement for digital twin and metaverse research and development with Samwoo Immersion.

On the 22nd, the BK21 'Industrial Big Data Education Research Group for Global Supply Chain Innovation' (Director Won-Young Yoon, Professor of Industrial Engineering, Pusan National University) was held with the Department of Industrial Engineering at Pusan National University (President Cha Jeong-in) with the Department of Systems Management Engineering at Pukyong National University on the 22nd. An MOU was signed for digital twin and metaverse research and development cooperation.

Through this agreement, the two institutions will engage in digital twin and metaverse-related exchanges of manufacturing environment technical information such as technical data and data exchange, joint research and development projects, education and training and human exchanges to foster human resources, exchange of academic information and academic conferences. We plan to cooperate with each other in holding events.

The two organizations expect this agreement to be an important starting point for nurturing digital future talent.

Pusan National University and Pukyong National University's 'Industrial Big Data Education Research Group for Global Supply Chain Innovation' was selected for the 4th phase BK21 project hosted by the Ministry of Education in September 2020. This educational research group is nurturing professional manpower to solve problems using field data in various industries including logistics and manufacturing, and is actively engaged in various fields such as industry-university cooperation, international exchange, and academic research.

Samwoo Immersion Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in XR total solutions, and it is a company that stands out in the field of industrial job training and education and training. Recently, XR-based job training and talent cultivation center operation through the SWXR campus are attracting attention.

Reporter Kim Hyung-il, Busan.com ksolo@busan.com

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