IITP seeks a new digital industry cooperation system beyond the limits of each field

Group commemorative photo shoot (From left, IITP Team Leader Kim Tae-jin, IITP Team Leader Choi Ryung) Samwoo Immersion Co., Ltd. Kim Dae-hee, ETRI Director Kim Hyung-jun, IITP Director Jeon Seong-bae, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology Kim Woong-seo Director National Fisheries Science Institute Director Woo Dong-shik, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology Gang Gang Chief Executive Officer, Jun-seop Han, CEO of GMission Co., Ltd., Director Jeon Jeon, National Institute of Fisheries Science) |
[Information and Communication News=Reporter Park Nam-soo]
The Institute for Information and Communication Planning and Evaluation (IITP), jointly with the National Institute of Fisheries Science, the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), and the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), held a '(IITP Tech Talk) ) Digital Ocean and Fisheries New Growth Strategy Forum' was held.
This forum was prepared for IITP as an ICT R&D innovation partner to support digital innovation in the maritime and fishery sector through ICT core technology and to establish a new growth cooperation system.
Information and Communication Planning and Evaluation Institute, National Institute of Fisheries Science, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Korea Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, and other domestic digital marine and fishery specialized institutions created the first place to seek digital new growth cooperation.
About 40 people from Samwoo Immersion Co., Ltd. and G Mission Co., Ltd., which are specialized companies in the related field, participated in this event.

A view of the event site. |
The forum was divided into Part 1 and Part 2.
In Part 1, under the theme of the digital status of marine and fisheries, △Digital twin, and the direction of technology development using marine space △Status of digital aqua twin technology development △The present and future of domestic smart aquaculture technology development △Digital twin R&D vision in the marine and fishery field was announced. .
In the second part, based on the contents of the four presentations, in-depth discussions were held on the cooperative measures of the actors in the future of maritime and fisheries response strategies for digital leadership.
The first part of the presentation was about 'development of marine space using digital twin technology' at the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), and 'the status of development of an optimal aquaculture operating platform using digital twin' at the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI). After that
, the Institute of Fisheries Science (NIFS) announced a comprehensive digital promotion plan for marine and fisheries, including 'goals, strategies and future plans for establishing smart aquaculture for digital promotion of the aquaculture industry'.
The Information and Communication Planning and Evaluation Institute (IITP), the organizer of the event, announced the 'Digital Twin R&D Vision in the Marine and Fisheries Field'.
In the second part, under the theme of 'Strategy to respond to the future of maritime and fisheries for digital leadership', IITP President Seongbae Jeon and other relevant institutional heads and corporate representatives participated and had a heated discussion.

Seongbae Jeon, president of IITP, gives a presentation. |
Seongbae Jeon, president of IITP, said, “The digital revolution requires an effort to overcome barriers in each field from acknowledging one’s limitations. Efforts are needed to find out and create new industry momentum based on this.”
He also said, “We need strong cooperation and future strategies to foster new industries in the world-class, leading digital marine and fishery sector based on advanced digital technologies such as 5G and AI technologies.”
Director Woo Dong-sik of the National Institute of Fisheries Science (NIFS) said, “I am grateful for the first creation of a forum for active cooperation between the maritime and fisheries sector and digital R&D specialized institutions that go beyond their respective fields and limitations. To this end, we will strongly promote digital innovation.”
After the discussion, the participants took a look at the marine-related infrastructure facilities such as the marine satellite operation building and the hydraulic experiment building in KIOST.
IITP Director Seong-bae Jeon, Director of Fisheries Science Institute, Dong-shik Woo, who co-hosted this forum, Woong-seo Kim of KIOST, and Hyung-jun Kim, president of ETRI said, “We will continue to create digital partnerships for digital innovation in the marine and fishery sector.”
Source: Information and Communication Newspaper (http://www.koit.co.kr)
[Information and Communication News=Reporter Park Nam-soo]
The Institute for Information and Communication Planning and Evaluation (IITP), jointly with the National Institute of Fisheries Science, the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), and the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), held a '(IITP Tech Talk) ) Digital Ocean and Fisheries New Growth Strategy Forum' was held.
This forum was prepared for IITP as an ICT R&D innovation partner to support digital innovation in the maritime and fishery sector through ICT core technology and to establish a new growth cooperation system.
Information and Communication Planning and Evaluation Institute, National Institute of Fisheries Science, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, Korea Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, and other domestic digital marine and fishery specialized institutions created the first place to seek digital new growth cooperation.
About 40 people from Samwoo Immersion Co., Ltd. and G Mission Co., Ltd., which are specialized companies in the related field, participated in this event.
The forum was divided into Part 1 and Part 2.
In Part 1, under the theme of the digital status of marine and fisheries, △Digital twin, and the direction of technology development using marine space △Status of digital aqua twin technology development △The present and future of domestic smart aquaculture technology development △Digital twin R&D vision in the marine and fishery field was announced. .
In the second part, based on the contents of the four presentations, in-depth discussions were held on the cooperative measures of the actors in the future of maritime and fisheries response strategies for digital leadership.
The first part of the presentation was about 'development of marine space using digital twin technology' at the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), and 'the status of development of an optimal aquaculture operating platform using digital twin' at the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI). After that
, the Institute of Fisheries Science (NIFS) announced a comprehensive digital promotion plan for marine and fisheries, including 'goals, strategies and future plans for establishing smart aquaculture for digital promotion of the aquaculture industry'.
The Information and Communication Planning and Evaluation Institute (IITP), the organizer of the event, announced the 'Digital Twin R&D Vision in the Marine and Fisheries Field'.
In the second part, under the theme of 'Strategy to respond to the future of maritime and fisheries for digital leadership', IITP President Seongbae Jeon and other relevant institutional heads and corporate representatives participated and had a heated discussion.
Seongbae Jeon, president of IITP, said, “The digital revolution requires an effort to overcome barriers in each field from acknowledging one’s limitations. Efforts are needed to find out and create new industry momentum based on this.”
He also said, “We need strong cooperation and future strategies to foster new industries in the world-class, leading digital marine and fishery sector based on advanced digital technologies such as 5G and AI technologies.”
Director Woo Dong-sik of the National Institute of Fisheries Science (NIFS) said, “I am grateful for the first creation of a forum for active cooperation between the maritime and fisheries sector and digital R&D specialized institutions that go beyond their respective fields and limitations. To this end, we will strongly promote digital innovation.”
After the discussion, the participants took a look at the marine-related infrastructure facilities such as the marine satellite operation building and the hydraulic experiment building in KIOST.
IITP Director Seong-bae Jeon, Director of Fisheries Science Institute, Dong-shik Woo, who co-hosted this forum, Woong-seo Kim of KIOST, and Hyung-jun Kim, president of ETRI said, “We will continue to create digital partnerships for digital innovation in the marine and fishery sector.”
Source: Information and Communication Newspaper (http://www.koit.co.kr)