Busan Port (left) and Volvo passenger car implemented in Unreal Engine
[Provided by Epic Games Korea. Prohibition of resale and DB]
(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Joo-Hwan Kim = Game engines, which were used only for game production in the past, are coming out to the world outside the game to meet consumers.
In particular, the use of game engines is increasing not only in the content industry, but also in the automobile, architecture, and fashion industries that were not directly related to information technology (IT).
A game engine is a game production program that integrates various algorithms, graphic and sound processing technologies, and data processing technologies that are the basis of games.
Epic Games' 'Unreal Engine' and Unity Technologies' 'Unity' are forming a two-way structure in the global commercial game engine market.

Virtual model house implemented in Unity
[Captured from 'Meta Gallery']
◇ Real-time monitoring by implementing ports and factories in digital space
These engines are being actively used in non-game fields based on advanced real-time computer graphics (CG) technology.
This is because of its specialized function to create 3D (three-dimensional) content that users can interact with in real time.
Daewoo E&C [047040] made the industry's first three-dimensional model house 'Meta Gallery' in April using Unity and introduced it on the apartment sale website.
Users can freely walk around and look around the model house implemented in the virtual space from a first-person perspective, and compare the appearance that varies according to various interior options in real time.
Busan Port Authority and Samwoo Immersion, a domestic extended reality (XR) company, created a 'digital twin' of Busan Port using Unreal Engine in May.
In Busan Port implemented in a digital space, the status of unloading, loading and unloading of containers in the port, and the movement status of vehicles and loading equipment are reflected in real time.
Epic Games explained that by using this technology, it is possible to three-dimensionally grasp the situation in the control room as if it were a game, which could not be known only with closed circuit (CC) TV images.
In addition, LG CNS, Hyundai Doosan Infracore [042670], and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering [042660] used Unity to create a digital twin of the working environment.
Game engines are also actively used in the furniture and automobile industries.
When Ferrari unveiled the new car '296 GTB', Unreal Engine was used in the entire process, including design visualization and product launch video production.
Volvo, Rivian, and GMC also provide vehicle-related information to drivers by providing 3D images using Unreal Engine to the car's internal interface.
Genesis, a luxury brand of Hyundai Motor Company, produced an 'AR Manual' that uses the Unity engine to inform how to operate a vehicle through augmented reality (AR).
Flock, an office furniture company, digitized chair products by using the Unity engine's function 'Art Engine'.

펄어비스가 자체 개발한 '블랙스페이스 엔진'이 활용된 붉은사막
[펄어비스 제공. 재판매 및 DB 금지]
◇ 펄어비스[263750], 국내 대형 게임사로는 유일하게 자체 게임엔진 보유
글로벌 시장에서 게임 강국으로 꼽히는 한국도 대작 게임 개발에 자체 게임 엔진을 쓰는 경우는 드물다.
올해 발매된 국산 게임을 기준으로 보면 '미르M', '세븐나이츠 레볼루션', '히트2' 등이 언리얼 엔진으로 개발됐고 '던전앤파이터 모바일', '서머너즈워: 크로니클' 등은 유니티 기반으로 제작됐다.
발매를 앞둔 블록버스터급 게임인 엔씨소프트[036570]의 '쓰론 앤 리버티', 크래프톤[259960]의 '칼리스토 프로토콜', 넥슨의 '카트라이더: 드리프트'도 언리얼 엔진으로 제작 중이다.
국내 대형 게임사 중에서 유일하게 자체 엔진으로 게임을 출시한 기업은 펄어비스가 유일하다.
펄어비스는 MMORPG(다중접속역할수행게임) '검은사막'과 '검은사막 모바일' 개발에 자체 제작한 '검은사막 엔진'을 활용했다.
또 개발 중인 차기작 '붉은사막'과 '도깨비'에는 자체 제작한 차세대 게임 엔진인 '블랙스페이스 엔진'이 쓰였다.
펄어비스는 자체 게임 엔진 개발과 유지·보수에 상당한 인력과 연구개발(R&D) 예산을 투입해온 것으로 전해졌다.
펄어비스 반기보고서에 따르면 올 상반기 연구개발 비용은 약 708억 원으로, 영업수익 대비 38.2%를 기록했다.
The ratio of R&D expenses is higher than that of Netmarble [251270] (31.5%), Krafton (24.1%), and NCsoft (16%).
However, as in the case of Epic Games and Unity, the Black Desert Engine or Black Space engine is not provided externally.
In addition, Com2uS [078340] recently jumped into the development of its own game engine, and last year posted a notice of hiring new and experienced employees who will be in charge of developing game engines and collaboration tools.
Busan Port (left) and Volvo passenger car implemented in Unreal Engine
[Provided by Epic Games Korea. Prohibition of resale and DB]
(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Joo-Hwan Kim = Game engines, which were used only for game production in the past, are coming out to the world outside the game to meet consumers.
In particular, the use of game engines is increasing not only in the content industry, but also in the automobile, architecture, and fashion industries that were not directly related to information technology (IT).
A game engine is a game production program that integrates various algorithms, graphic and sound processing technologies, and data processing technologies that are the basis of games.
Epic Games' 'Unreal Engine' and Unity Technologies' 'Unity' are forming a two-way structure in the global commercial game engine market.
Virtual model house implemented in Unity
[Captured from 'Meta Gallery']
◇ Real-time monitoring by implementing ports and factories in digital space
These engines are being actively used in non-game fields based on advanced real-time computer graphics (CG) technology.
This is because of its specialized function to create 3D (three-dimensional) content that users can interact with in real time.
Daewoo E&C [047040] made the industry's first three-dimensional model house 'Meta Gallery' in April using Unity and introduced it on the apartment sale website.
Users can freely walk around and look around the model house implemented in the virtual space from a first-person perspective, and compare the appearance that varies according to various interior options in real time.
Busan Port Authority and Samwoo Immersion, a domestic extended reality (XR) company, created a 'digital twin' of Busan Port using Unreal Engine in May.
In Busan Port implemented in a digital space, the status of unloading, loading and unloading of containers in the port, and the movement status of vehicles and loading equipment are reflected in real time.
Epic Games explained that by using this technology, it is possible to three-dimensionally grasp the situation in the control room as if it were a game, which could not be known only with closed circuit (CC) TV images.
In addition, LG CNS, Hyundai Doosan Infracore [042670], and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering [042660] used Unity to create a digital twin of the working environment.
Game engines are also actively used in the furniture and automobile industries.
When Ferrari unveiled the new car '296 GTB', Unreal Engine was used in the entire process, including design visualization and product launch video production.
Volvo, Rivian, and GMC also provide vehicle-related information to drivers by providing 3D images using Unreal Engine to the car's internal interface.
Genesis, a luxury brand of Hyundai Motor Company, produced an 'AR Manual' that uses the Unity engine to inform how to operate a vehicle through augmented reality (AR).
Flock, an office furniture company, digitized chair products by using the Unity engine's function 'Art Engine'.
펄어비스가 자체 개발한 '블랙스페이스 엔진'이 활용된 붉은사막
[펄어비스 제공. 재판매 및 DB 금지]
◇ 펄어비스[263750], 국내 대형 게임사로는 유일하게 자체 게임엔진 보유
글로벌 시장에서 게임 강국으로 꼽히는 한국도 대작 게임 개발에 자체 게임 엔진을 쓰는 경우는 드물다.
올해 발매된 국산 게임을 기준으로 보면 '미르M', '세븐나이츠 레볼루션', '히트2' 등이 언리얼 엔진으로 개발됐고 '던전앤파이터 모바일', '서머너즈워: 크로니클' 등은 유니티 기반으로 제작됐다.
발매를 앞둔 블록버스터급 게임인 엔씨소프트[036570]의 '쓰론 앤 리버티', 크래프톤[259960]의 '칼리스토 프로토콜', 넥슨의 '카트라이더: 드리프트'도 언리얼 엔진으로 제작 중이다.
국내 대형 게임사 중에서 유일하게 자체 엔진으로 게임을 출시한 기업은 펄어비스가 유일하다.
펄어비스는 MMORPG(다중접속역할수행게임) '검은사막'과 '검은사막 모바일' 개발에 자체 제작한 '검은사막 엔진'을 활용했다.
또 개발 중인 차기작 '붉은사막'과 '도깨비'에는 자체 제작한 차세대 게임 엔진인 '블랙스페이스 엔진'이 쓰였다.
펄어비스는 자체 게임 엔진 개발과 유지·보수에 상당한 인력과 연구개발(R&D) 예산을 투입해온 것으로 전해졌다.
펄어비스 반기보고서에 따르면 올 상반기 연구개발 비용은 약 708억 원으로, 영업수익 대비 38.2%를 기록했다.
The ratio of R&D expenses is higher than that of Netmarble [251270] (31.5%), Krafton (24.1%), and NCsoft (16%).
However, as in the case of Epic Games and Unity, the Black Desert Engine or Black Space engine is not provided externally.
In addition, Com2uS [078340] recently jumped into the development of its own game engine, and last year posted a notice of hiring new and experienced employees who will be in charge of developing game engines and collaboration tools.