2022 Industry-University Cooperation EXPO

2022 Industry-University Cooperation EXPO

Application Case

Project Name  :  2022 Industry-University Cooperation EXPO Exhibition Agency

Business period : November 2nd - 4th, 2022 


Industry- academic cooperation that accompanies the harmony between industry and university , a platform that connects to the future

Samwoo Immersion participated in the "2022 Industry-University Cooperation EXPO" where academia and industry come together.
In order to contribute to the spread of industry-university cooperation-friendly culture and vitalization of industry-university cooperation activities, share the vision and flow and promote mutual cooperation to prepare opportunities for synergy creation. We worked with Mokpo National Maritime University, which is in the process of fostering (LINC 3.0).

Dongeui Science University   #Meister University pilot project #professional talent development project

 Go to Dongeui Science University construction example

Mokpo Maritime University   #LINC 3.0 #(University) Cooperation-Based Building


(48732) 10th floor, 244, Jungang-daero, Dong-gu, Busan (Choryang-dong, Heungkuk Life Insurance Busan office building)

TEL : 1600-1663 

FAX : 051-977-0302 

 MAIL : info@samwooim.com 

Busan Headquarters : (48732) 10th floor, 244, Jungang-daero, Dong-gu, Busan (Choryang-dong, Heungkuk Life Insurance Busan office building)
Seoul IX Development Center : (04323) Room 812(Fast Five Seoul Station Branch), 366, Hangang-daero, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 

TEL : 1600-1663  ๏ฝœ  FAX : 051-977-0302  ๏ฝœ   MAIL : info@samwooim.com