SWXR CAMPUS Youth Experience Program
Busan Headquarters : (48732) 10th floor, 244, Jungang-daero, Dong-gu, Busan (Choryang-dong, Heungkuk Life Insurance Busan office building)
Seoul IX Development Center : (04323) Room 812(Fast Five Seoul Station Branch), 366, Hangang-daero, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
TEL : 1600-1663 | FAX : 051-977-0302 | MAIL : info@samwooim.com
Wonkwang University
Application case![](https://cdn.imweb.me/upload/S2021121094b3ecb3d4d19/88b08d2267103.png)
Project name: Information and Communication Industry Promotion Agency software safety accident experience VR KIT purchase
Business period: December 06, 2021 ~ December 31, 2021 (25th)
Development of virtual reality education contents
to prevent safety accidents that occur in daily life based on actual accident cases !
We applied experience-oriented education and training contents to improve initial response capabilities while experiencing accident cases beyond simple injection-type education and experiencing elevator accident cases and disaster situations that are closely related to daily life. As safety education is conducted in preparation for emergencies, the more training conducted in the same environment as an emergency, the higher the actual coping ability and the higher the awareness of accidents. We developed and applied content based on our long-term know-how.
Through the conversion of efficient education methods, we have introduced a system that allows you to experience safety in real and various disasters, and to provide non-face-to-face safety education anytime, anywhere without any restrictions on the location. We focused on improving our initial response capabilities through safety experiences.